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Start-Up loan

Got a great idea for a business? Do you dream of being your own boss? A start-up business loan will help you realise your dreams and get your idea off the ground.

What is a start-up loan?

A start-up loan provides funding to launch a new business or to grow an existing business that has been trading for less than a year.
If you are launching a new business, you may find it difficult to get finance from a traditional lender such as a high street bank as they will deem you too ‘risky’.
Alternative finance providers such as Funding Guru can therefore help by providing you with a cash sum to help you get started.

Thoughts from Matt

Behind every great new business is grit, hard work, determination and – likely – financial backing.

The most profitable, sustainable and successful businesses are almost always built on firm financial foundations. Having had many successful businesses myself (and some not so successful), I know what it takes to build a truly successful, sustainable venture.

Talk to us today about taking out a start-up loan for your business so we can help you on your way.

Matt Haycox
Founder and CEO, Funding Guru

Matt Haycox

How much can I borrow through a start-up loan?

At Funding Guru, we loan up to £100,000 to start-ups. Growth is the priority for any small business, so our loans are quick, easy and have no hidden fees. 

Before applying, check you have the below:

How can I boost my chances of being accepted for a start-up loan?

To boost your chances of getting start-up finance, ideally you would demonstrate you have a:

What help can I get with a start-up finance package?

At Funding Guru, our packages are not just about giving you cash. It’s about giving you the vital foundations needed to grow a successful business.

We have access to a vast network of entrepreneurs, with expertise spanning a massive range of sectors, who are willing to give both funding and mentoring.

As well as giving you a lump sum, we’ll talk to you to understand your vision and strategy.

Our help includes:

What can a start-up loan be used for?

A start-up loan can be used for any business-related purpose. Below, we give some examples.

Buying stock

Renting or purchasing a premises

Boosting your cash flow

Taking out advertising to promote your goods or services

Recruiting staff

Creating a website

Can I get a start-up loan with bad credit?

If you have a chequered credit history, don’t despair! We can still often help you.

We lend based on your vision as well as history. If your personal credit rating is below ideal or you have no collateral to act as security against the loan, you could still join our hundreds of satisfied customers. 

If you borrow responsibly, this will help you build a relationship with a lender and stand you in good stead for receiving further funding in the future.

Many UK small and medium sized firms (SMEs) rely on finance to grow their operations. This is especially true during periods of economic uncertainty. 

As the table below shows, the amount loaned to UK firms during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 doubled from previous years.

External finance statistics for UK SMEs over the past few years:








Bank lending







Asset finance







Marketplace lending







Source: British Business Bank / FLA / BoE

With the cost of living crisis continuing to put pressure on households and businesses across the UK in 2023, it’s likely many businesses will consider external funding to help them keep pace with rising costs and ride out potential weaker consumer demand.

The UK is a nation of entrepreneurs. A net total of 56,448 new businesses were registered in the first three months of 2022, according to the latest government statistics

It’s important the UK encourages entrepreneurs wherever it can, and this is where start-up funding can help.  

In total, there are more than 4.5 million businesses in the UK. These companies are helping solve some of society’s most concerning issues, such as climate change and social injustice, while keeping the UK economy competitive against global players.

The below chart shows how the number of UK companies has soared in the past decade:


We take a thorough and inventive approach to start-up finance, often finding a business finance solution long after our competitors have given up. 

Contact Us

We’re more interested in your future potential than your past history. So if your business has a strong selling point, talk to us about kick-starting your growth with one of our start-up loans. Call us or contact us online.